With the upcoming transition from ICC Floors to ICC Home, we wanted to feature a blog series on our showrooms’ remodel as well as our expansion to become your one-stop-shop for everything design related.
Today, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dave Reiff, Chief Operations Officer, to discuss the upcoming changes and what consumers can expect. Here is what Dave had to say:
Q: How long have you been in this industry?
A: “I grew up working for the family home building & remodeling business in northern Indiana, but after getting my degree in construction management from Purdue, I have been working in the Indy market in both the commercial and residential sectors for over 20 years, primarily on the builder/general contractor side. I then made the leap over to the flooring and interior finishes arena two years ago when I joined the ICC team.”
Q: What changes have you seen in the industry since you have been at ICC?
A: “Styles definitely change over time. I have noticed recently that luxury vinyl is taking over a lot of the hard flooring space, as well as wider floor and wall plank sizes, and larger format tile up to 3’x10’, and frameless full overlay, contemporary cabinetry looks are becoming very popular as of late. However, regardless of style, customers definitely continue to focus on value, quality, and durability when it comes to the finish materials in their home or work space.”
Q: What changes have you seen at ICC Floors since you have opened?
A: “One word – growth. We have diversified from just a residential flooring store and made huge strides into the commercial and multi-family sectors as well as expanded our non-flooring product offerings of cabinetry, countertops, paint, and window treatments.”
Q: What excites you about the remodel and transition to ICC Home?
A: “Updating our product displays is always exciting, everybody likes to see new styles, but more importantly, I think being able to properly showcase our kitchen and bath turnkey product offerings is really going to make for a better customer buying experience and expand our sales.”
Q: Why are you expanding/transitioning to ICC Home?
A: “We feel there is continued demand in the market for one-stop-shop interior products and installation. Builders & contractors appreciate the economies of scale and simplification of bundling products together from one source and homeowners looking to renovate like the turnkey interior renovation option we can provide. As part of our growth strategy, it was a logical step to expand on our solid flooring business into these products and services to further diversify ICC’s revenue sources.”
Q: What is ICC Home’s goal?
A: “Become the premier turnkey interior products store in Indianapolis.”
Q: How will ICC Home better serve the customer?
A: “It is all about our staff. When you walk into an ICC store, we strive to provide a professional and relaxed atmosphere showcasing the highest quality products. Our expert staff is up to date with the latest marketplace design trends and here to help you from when you walk in until your project is complete. The big box stores cannot offer the continuity and expertise you will find at ICC Home.”
Q: Where do you hope to see the company in 10 years?
A: “I see us as the premier turnkey interior products store in Indianapolis with further expanded product offerings including plumbing fixtures, lighting, home automation, etc. We will duplicate our Castleton store experience in other submarkets within Indianapolis to better serve the entire metro area and expand beyond Indianapolis.”
A special thank you to Dave for taking the time to speak with us. Be sure to come back next week where we will sit down with another ICC Home employee to discuss the upcoming transition. If you missed last week’s with Kristyn, you can view it here.
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