If your floors are outdated and worn out, it may be time to consider getting new floors. The flooring you have in your home can ultimately add value and worth to your home’s value. If you are considering putting your home on the market, remember that a buyer’s focus will be your kitchen and bathroom. Unfortunately for the owner, those are the most expensive rooms to remodel, but fortunately, they are also the most expensive rooms for the buyer to remodel.
When a buyer is looking at your home, they will take into consideration the condition, design, and flow of your kitchen and bathrooms. They understand that a living room and the bedrooms are easy fixes and that is why they focus so highly on your kitchen and bath. Today, let us focus on adding value to your bathroom. To help you add value to your bathroom, you will want to take a good look at your floors. Flooring is an investment for buyers and homeowners alike. Most buyers want to purchase a home that has been an investment in the seller.
How to Add Value to Your Home through Your Bathroom Floors:
- Durable + Water Resistant.
We all know that bathrooms come into contact with a lot of water. That is why it is imperative to buy water-resistant and durable floors. The last mistake you want to make is choosing an improper flooring type for your bathroom. If you need help with the choice, one of our knowledgeable sales staff would love to assist you in your search.
- MarketTrends.
Heated floors are a popular trend currently on the market. Buyers love having the option of heated floors because their bathroom becomes a place of luxury. Imagine stepping out of the bath onto a warmed floor. There is nothing quite like this experience. If you are interested in learning more about heated floors, be sure to contact one of our expert sales staff for more information.
- Planning 101.
A bath remodel can fall apart easily if you do not go in with a game plan. Planning out the design for your bathroom is ESSENTIAL. Many homeowners will make the mistake of not game planning their design and they end up with a messy-looking project. We know that the design process can be fun and exciting, but before you get started, explore all of your options and learn more about all of the choices. You want to have everything mapped out before the workers get started.
Flooring Ideas:
No matter what your budget, there is an incredible flooring choice out there for you.
- Budget-Friendly Option: A consumer favorite for bathrooms is vinyl. Not only is vinyl budget-friendly, but it is also durable and available in a wide selection of styles and colors.
- Medium-Price Flooring Option: The next level up for bathrooms is ceramic tile. This adds a classic, high-quality look to bathrooms. This option can be an instant favorite for buyers.
- High-End Option: The high-end option is natural stone. For this type of flooring, you need to have a set design for your bathroom. This flooring style is extremely trendy and needs to be paired with a grand design.
- Pro-Tip: Stone tile can get cold. You may want to consider adding a floor-heating system.
Interested in learning more? Stop by or visit one of our locations for pricing and expert assistance. We look forward to working with you.
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